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Travel report of the hiking tour from Garmisch to Innsbruck
Pink alpine flowers on the Tirolerweg

Our trekking tour on the Tyrolean Trail is definitely one of the most impressive Eurohike hiking tours. Blogger Björn Ahrndt from Bergparadiese wanted to take a look for himself this summer and set off on the trekking tour from Garmisch to Innsbruck in August. 

In his travel report he recorded the most beautiful moments and revealed what he experienced:

Pink alpine flowers on the Tirolerweg

Diverse landscapes on alpine paths

Hardly any long-distance hiking trail combines so many different landscapes in such a short time and over a relatively short distance. High peaks and wide valleys. Rocky paths and gentle alpine meadows. Raging rivers and gentle springs. City whispers and cosy hut life.

The partly high alpine route requires fitness and surefootedness. Those who embark on the adventure will be rewarded with magnificent mountain panoramas and many new impressions. Every stage is different. And every stage tells a new story. The history of the landscape and its creation. The history of the people. Then and now. And the history of hiking itself.

From Garmisch to the Schachenhaus

On the first two days on the Tirolerweg, the focus is on ravines and gorges. The Höllentalklamm and Partnachklamm are certainly among the most impressive natural spectacles in the region around Garmisch-Partenkirchen. The route goes through the deeply cut rock gorges before joining wonderful mountain paths and reveal the whole panorama. Spending the night at the Schachenhaus sets the mood for the next few days. Away from the hustle and bustle of Garmisch-Partenkirchen, you are alone with yourself and nature. You couldn’t go to bed more satisfied than with the impressive sunset. Here it is important to let the peace sink in and just enjoy.

Impressions of the Höllentalklamm

Step by step to the Halleranger Alm

With the ascent to the Meilerhütte begins a new section of the Tirolerweg. It’s rocky. With impressive views down to the valley and the no less impressive Meilerhütte, which stands like a castle in the middle of the giants of the Wetterstein mountains. The long descent into the valley leads through all the different vegetation zones. Treeless scree deserts and grassy slopes are followed by extensive mountain forests before the agricultural valley floor is reached.

The source of the Isar rises in the Karawendel. And it is precisely over these springs that you go up to the Halleranger Alm. Gentle, long paths lead to the Alm, where neither telephone nor internet interrupt the quiet for the next two nights. On the rest day, individual summit goals or just relaxation are on the programme before the last stage to Innsbruck follows.

View of the Halleranger Alm

Grand finale

The King’s stage basically summarises all of the previous days. Wonderful mountain paths and impressive views in the middle of the Karawendel National Park.

And then the Tyrolean capital is reached. You can enjoy the last two metres to the full on a high path with a wonderful view over Innsbruck. A really successful end to a wonderful hiking tour.

View at the hinking trail
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