Our 3 Pillars: Purpose – Vision – Mission
Sustainability with Eurohike
How do we achieve a better quality of life in terms of sustainability?
We LEAD THE WAY when it comes to creating sustainable active holidays. Our PASSION for nature, the playground of our trips, shapes our everyday actions. We consistently enjoy the TRUST of our customers because we contribute to a better quality of life with our commitment.
Our dedicated Eurohike sustainability team is actively engaged in this matter. Feel free to explore our implemented projects, learn about our team's efforts on sustainability measures, discover how you can contribute, and follow our path to certification.

Our Core Values

Our Eurofun Song: "Vom Alltag in die Freiheit"
Gathering new experiences, experiencing freedom, living in the moment and enjoying life - these are all things that we stand for as a leading active tour operator. With the Eurofun Song, we have produced a piece of music for the 30th anniversary of our sister brand Eurobike, in which we have put the feeling that we want to convey with our tours into words and underlaid it with a suitable melody. But before we give too much away, we want to let the song speak for itself. We hope you enjoy listening to it!
You can also listen to the song at any time on popular streaming platforms:
- Here’s the link to the Eurofun Song on Apple Music
- Here’s the link to the Eurofun Song on Spotify