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Simple snack ideas for hiking

What should not be missing in your snack box?
Hiking snack with fresh fruit

Clearly, hiking – whether a day tour or a hiking vacation lasting several days – requires energy. This can be provided with wholesome food and a healthy hiking snack and thus does not lie heavy in the stomach. In addition, these meals should taste good, be healthy, not burden the digestion and be as easy as possible to prepare at home.

We've done some research for you and prepared some ideas for high-energy snacks for your next hike – two of them with a recipe that's easy to make at home. A hiking snack can be this healthy and delicious!

Hiking snack with fresh fruit

Fruit and vegetables as the basis for every hiking snack

Frisches Obst und Gemüse – bestenfalls aus dem eigenen Garten oder vom Bio-Bauern nebenan – schmeckt nicht nur herrlich, sondern ist auch besonders gesund, nachhaltig und erfrischt. Zusätzlich liefert es jede Menge komplexe Kohlenhydrate, die unsere Muskeln als Energielieferant dienen, lange sättigen und uns mit ausreichend Kraft versorgen. Diese sind nicht nur in Obst und Gemüse zu finden, sondern auch in Vollkornprodukten wie beispielsweise bestimmte Sorten Brot. So kann der Hunger gut gestillt werden und man verspürt nicht so schnell wieder ein Hungergefühl. Bei den Obst- und Gemüsesorten gibt es eine vielfältige Auswahl, die ideal für den Transport im Wanderrucksack ist und Energie liefert. Bananen – ob am Stück oder als getrocknete Bananenchips – liefern Magnesium und sind herrlich süß.

Allgemein sind Trockenfrüchte ein guter Energiespender beim Wandern, da sie einen hohen Zuckergehalt aufweisen und sich wunderbar im Rucksack einpacken lassen. Besonders robuste Obstsorten wie Äpfel, Birnen, Aprikosen oder Pfirsiche halten den Transport im Wanderrucksack gut aus. Gemüsesorten wie Gurken, Karotten, Paprika oder Tomaten sind leicht verdaulich und sind auch in Form von Sticks praktisch für die Wanderjause. Gurken und Tomaten weisen einen hohen Wasseranteil auf und sind daher für unseren Flüssigkeitshaushalt besonders gut.

  • Unser Snack-Tipp: Obst und Gemüse einfach am Vortag der Wanderung vorbereiten, auf Wunsch in mundgerechte Happen oder Sticks schneiden und mit einem selbstgemachten Dip in einem Transportgefäß genießen – der perfekte, gesunde Genuss beim Wandern!

Nuts as a sustainable energy booster

Nuts are a real miracle cure among snacks. Whether almonds, cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios or peanuts - pure, i.e. unsweetened and unsalted, these little snacks are the absolute front-runners in terms of calorie density. Nuts are real powerhouses and have a high proportion of healthy, unsaturated fatty acids and proteins. If you combine nuts with complex carbohydrates, for example, you have the perfect hiking snack in your luggage, which fills up your energy stores, keeps you full for a long time and at the same time gives you lasting strength. Tip: simply fill a small jar or can and put it in your hiking backpack.

Healthy energy balls as a hiking snack

Small power packs as hiking provisions: Muesli bars & energy balls

In addition to nuts, you can also prepare small muesli bars or energy balls yourself at home and you know exactly what is in them compared to purchased snacks. The preparation of the bars or balls depends entirely on the individual taste and there are no limits to the imagination. Simply combine nuts, dried fruits, spices such as cinnamon, ginger powder or cardamom, chop them in a stand mixer and form small balls from the resulting nut-fruit mixture. Then twist them in shredded coconut or grated nuts, for example, and store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator or pack them in your backpack for the hike. And if there is no time to make your own muesli bars or energy balls – no problem! Meanwhile, there are also healthy alternatives in the supermarket or in numerous drugstores, which are made without refined sugar and provide energy. But food and healthy snacks aren't the only way to ensure you have enough energy while hiking. Drinking and sufficient hydration is essential – fresh water or unsweetened tea is best for this.

Energy balls with dates as a hiking snack

Salad To Go as a perfect power snack idea

Salad as a snack while hiking? That fits wonderfully! Not only are there no limits to the ideas and compositions. Rather, you can prepare the salad the day before and additionally cater to all individual wishes and food needs. For example, a pasta salad can be prepared both vegetariangluten-free and vegan. Simply cook the pasta of your choice, chop the vegetables, marinate them with a little vinegar, oil and fresh herbs and leave them to infuse overnight in the refrigerator. In the morning before the hike, sprinkle a topping over the salad such as nuts, feta cheese, fried tofu cubes, avocado or olives and the perfect salad to go is ready – just the way you like it.

Millet, quinoa or buckwheat are also well suited for the salad base. Also in terms of sustainable use of food at home, a hiking salad is ideal because in it comes everything that you still have at home, vegetables and fruits can be so wonderfully recycled and can be kept for several days in the refrigerator. Eggs are also good for the hiking snack, because they can also be prepared quickly and are rich in protein, which is good for muscle building. Light corn wafers, a piece of whole wheat bread or a crunchy crispbread, which can be baked quickly and easily at home, are suitable as an additional supplement for the salad. A delicious and uncomplicated recipe for a nutty crispbread and a deliciously sweet banana bread can be found here to bake at home.

Recipe tips for your hiking snack

So light - so good: Nutty crispbread recipe

Good and healthy for hiking because:

  • Simple and quick preparation at home
  • Low carb and is not heavy on the stomach
  • Is gluten-free and vegan
  • Satiating, rich in fibre, protein and omega-3 fatty acids
  • Easy to digest and easy to carry in a hiking backpack
  • Can be combined with vegetable sticks and a dip of your choice
  • Perfect snack also for the warm season


100g gluten-free oat flour, 100g millet flakes, 2 tsp fennel seeds, 20g hemp seed husks, 40g pumpkin seeds, 40g sunflower seeds, 20g light sesame seeds, 20g black sesame seeds (can also be replaced with light), 40g chia seeds, 1 tsp salt, 2 tbsp coconut oil (or olive oil), parsley (dried or fresh), ½ tsp ground rosemary, 300ml water, chilli flakes (optional)


Grind the fennel seeds, hemp seed husks and sesame seeds in a mortar. Mix the oat flour, millet flakes, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds, parsley, salt, rosemary and optional dried chilli flakes. Add the water and coconut oil, mix well and leave to soak for about 30 to 60 minutes. Preheat the oven to 170°C two-sided-heat and line the baking tray with baking paper. Spread the mixture evenly on the tray and bake for about 20 minutes. Remove briefly, cut into even pieces and bake again for about 30 minutes until crisp. Leave to cool and store in an airtight container.

Sweet energy supplier: Juicy banana bread recipe

ood and healthy for hiking because:

  • Contains valuable fibre and carbohydrates
  • Is gluten-free and vegan
  • Bananas are real energy suppliers, contain potassium, magnesium, B vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, are good for digestion and boost the metabolism.
  • Easy to prepare and great for stowing in a lunch box in your hiking backpack.
  • Especially suitable for those with a sweet tooth and completely without refined sugar. 
  • Wholemeal flours keep us full for a long time and ensure a balanced blood sugar level, which is especially important when hiking.
  • Add a handful of nuts such as almonds, walnuts or cashews for even more satiety and extra energy.


4 ripe bananas, 3 tbsp apple puree, 40 ml coconut oil, some lemon juice, 300g gluten-free flour (oat flour, wholemeal rice flour, buckwheat flour), 2 tbsp cinnamon, 1 tsp baking powder, ½ tsp turmeric powder, a pinch of vanilla powder, 2 tbsp chia seeds, 2 tbsp date sweetener (available in organic markets), and if desired a handful of nuts (coarsely chopped walnuts, almonds, cashews)


Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and grease the loaf tin with a little coconut oil. Mash the bananas or squash them with a fork and add the apple puree, lemon juice and liquid coconut oil. Mix all the dry ingredients (flour, cinnamon, baking powder, turmeric powder, vanilla powder, chia seeds, date sweetener, nuts) and then mix well with the banana-apple mixture. Leave to rest for about 10 minutes. Then spread evenly in the mould and smooth out. If desired, cut a banana in half lengthwise, place cut side up on top of the mixture and bake for about 45 to 50 minutes. Let cool well and enjoy!

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