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Stefanie’s travel report: Salzkammergut alpine hiking for families

Cowbells, wooden huts and traditional snacks
Hike through the Postalm area

How are the paths on the alpine pastures? How well are the huts equipped? And perhaps the most important question: how does a real ‘Almjause’ actually taste? There is always a lot to discover on our hiking tours for families.

In order to be able to answer all these questions firsthand, I set out with my friend in mid-June to hike a good part of our tour Alpine Hiking in the Salzkammergut for Families.

Of course I would like to share my discoveries with you:

Hike through the Postalm area

Day 1: Arrival at the Wolfgangsee and hiking stage to the Genneralm

The next morning we decided on the hiking variant over the summit. We hiked past many herds of cows and reached the first ascent to the Hohe Zinken. The climb wasn’t too long, a bit steep, but beautiful. Passing numerous horses and alpine herbs, the view from the summit was unique! It continued comfortably downhill and uphill to the Osterhorn. Here we had a great view of the Wolfgangsee once again. This was followed by the first descent through beautiful lush meadows and hiking trails.

The next ascent was not long in coming so we hiked steeply uphill on narrow paths to the summit of the Pitschenberg.

Here we had another lunch break and ate the snack we had brought with us.

From the summit we had a fantastic view of the Postalm area and the sparkling Wolfgangsee. We got ready to descend. The route to the Postalm went slightly downhill over beautiful hiking trails. We were very impressed by the Postalm area, it is unique and wonderful for hiking.

At the Pitschnberghütte we stopped for a little refreshment before we walked the last stage to our hut. We hiked through a forest area with many great views to the alpine pasture area and immediately found our booked accommodation – the Huberhütte.

Day 2: Hike from the Genneralm to the Postalm

Am nächsten Morgen haben wir uns für die Wandervariante über die Gipfel entschieden. Wir wanderten wieder vorbei an vielen Kuhherden und erreichten den ersten Anstieg zum Hohen Zinken. Der Anstieg war nicht all zu lange, etwas steil, aber wunderschön. Vorbei an zahlreichen Pferden und Almkräutern war der Blick vom Gipfel wirklich einzigartig! Weiter ging es gemütlich in leichtem Bergab und Bergauf zum Osterhorn. Hier hatten wir wieder einen tollen Ausblick auf den Wolfgangsee. Danach folgte der erste Abstieg durch ein Windwurfgelände auf schönen saftigen Wiesen und Wanderwegen. 

Der nächste Anstieg ließ nicht lange auf sich warten und so wanderten wir auf schmalen Wegen steil aufwärts bis zum Gipfel vom Pitschenberg.

Hier legten wir wieder eine Mittagsrast ein und verspeisten unsere mitgebrachte Jause.

Vom Gipfel hatten wir einen traumhaften Blick auf das Postalmgebiet und den glitzernden Wolfgangsee. Wir machten uns zum Abstieg bereit. Der Weg zur Postalm ging leicht bergab auf schönen Wanderwegen. Das Postalmgebiet hat uns sehr beeindruckt, es ist einzigartig und einfach herrlich zum Wandern.

Bei der Pitschnberghütte sind wird dann auf eine kleine Stärkung eingekehrt, bevor wir uns auf die letzte Etappe zu unserer Hütte machten. Durch ein Waldgebiet mit vielen tollen Ausblicken wanderten wir bis ins Almengebiet und fanden auch gleich unsere gebuchte Unterkunft - die Huberhütte.

The Huberhütte

The reception from Huttenwirt Hans and the whole team was very warm and friendly. We spent the rest of the afternoon and evening in the guest garden of the hut, were served delicious Krapfen (doughnuts) and tasty food.

We were awakened by the first rays of sun, and I took one of my favourite pictures from the tour. That was actually the view from our bedroom window – unique and fantastically beautiful!

View from the Huberhütte (Postalm)

Day 3: Hiking to the Wolfgangsee and departure

Hiking trail with markings Postalm

After a hearty breakfast we started our last stretch back to the Wolfgangsee to Abersee. After a short chat with hut owner Hans, we unfortunately started in the rain. We quickly set off and hiked over the top of the pass and the Niedergadenalm towards Abersee.

The last day was a great hike with many beautiful views despite the rain.

Our conclusion: For us it was a wonderful hiking tour. We met a lot of nice people, enjoyed delicious Austrian cuisine and were able to take home unforgettable memories. For everyone who loves hiking in nature and in alpine pastures as much as we do, this hiking tour is a real insider tip!

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