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Franziska in Southern Sweden

From 20th to 23rd September I got the unique opportunity offered by our Swedish partner to travel to southern Sweden in order to get to know our Hiking Holiday on the Österlenleden.
Hiker at Ales Stenar in Sweden

There I acquainted myself with the holiday on the Österlenleden offered by Eurohike and in addition got to know sections of two brand new holidays – Skånelden and Kullaleden. In Skåne – this is the name of the area – a few exciting days awaited with a very tight but nevertheless wonderful itinerary. Everything I have experienced there, you find out below.

Hiker at Ales Stenar in Sweden

Day 1…

The holiday started very early in the morning: first a bus ride from Salzburg to Munich, then arrival by plane in Copenhagen and after that onwards by train to Malmö. It may sound very complicated, but it really was very pleasant, since there were no delays at all. In Malmö I first met up on site with our partner, followed by a ‘Fika’ – which is a coffee break plus ‘Kanelbullar’, a Swedish cinnamon swirl. Immediately after we started the tour and proceeded to the picturesque little town of Ystad. You probably know it already due to the renowned detective Wallander, who successfully hunts down murderers featured in the books and movies by Henning Mankell. Straight away the narrow allyways and the Swedish flair there made an impact.

- getting to know Swedish culture

After that we drove to a stunning beach situtated en route from Ystad to Kåseberga, which is part of this route. After arriving in Kåseberga we embarked on a short walk to ‘Ales Stenar’, which basically is the Swedish Stonehenge. Luckily we were there at the perfect moment to enjoy the sunset. After that it was high time for dinner, which we had in the Café & Bistro I Kåseberga. Although they serve big portions we simply had to finish it all, it was super delicious! After that we were more than ready to go to bed. We spent the night in the newly built Kåseberga Gardshotell & Spa and seized the opportunity to enjoy a plunge in the jacuzzi and a sauna session.

Day 2…

After an extensive breakfast we continued our tour. First the route led us to SKillinge and Simrishamn, which are also the next stages of the holiday along the Österlenleden. After our arrival there we first checked into the unique accommodations and assured ourselves of the comfort offered to our hiking guests. Everywhere we enjoyed a very warm welcome together with a cup of coffee, which naturally we could not refuse. After that we proceeded to Kivik – another stunning little town on the coast. On this day our first hiking tour led us from Vitemölla to Havång. This section is amazing, since you get to walk mostly along an idyllic sandy beach and enjoy the cool sea breeze.

- the Österlendeden and the Skåneleden

Naturally our scouting expedition did not end there, but then led us to Brösarp and Alunbruket. We realised that many Day Finishes are relatively small – which are perfectly suited to hikers, since everything is situated close together. Next we proceeded to Båstad, the starting point of the hiking holiday on the Skåneleden. This town is located at the other side of southern Sweden’s coast, and hence on the west coast. Here too we marvelled at the picturesque Swedish houses before we proceeded to our accommodation the Hjorten Hotell och Pensionat. Needless to say a magnificent dinner was in order also this evening before we retired feeling tired and happy from all the impressions.

Day 3 …

We set off to Troentorp from where we started our second hike, this time headed for Hovs Hallar. We enjoyed the fabulous nature and even came past a famous filming location of the old movie ‘The Seventh Seal’. En route we also came across very friendly alpacas, which of course we had to take a photo of. After our arrival in Hovs Hallar we stopped for a coffee and then drove all the way to Arild, a Day Finish of the hiking holiday along the Kullaleden. There we recharged by means of a 3-course lunch at the beach hotel Arild before we continued to Kullens. As soon as we got there we embarked on our final exciting hiking tour – from Kullens to Mölle.

- from Skåneleden to Kullaleden

Whilst enjoying the glorious view onto the wild ocean we experienced some rain and hail. But since we came well prepared we simple removed our rain jackets from our rucksacks and braved the weather. It barely took a few minutes and gone was the brief storm which meant now was our chance to take photos of the surf. Once we reached Mölle we were stunned how many surfers frequented the spot there – despite cool temperatures! Today we spent the night in a special hotel, the Grand Hôtel Mölle. There again we enjoyed an exceptional culinary experience we could really get used to here in Sweden. Another successful and adventurous day ended.

Day 4…

Our final little excursion took us to Helsingborg, the last Day Finish of the Kullaleden. We were impressed by this town, since it is quite a bit larger than the other places which we got to know over the last few days. After a little round trip and with a slight feeling of melancholy knowing it was time to leave this amazing country, we proceeded to Malmö, from where we took the train to Copenhagen taking us directly to the airport.

- even the most beautiful holiday has to end

For me it was by plane from Copenhagen back to Munich and then by bus to Salzburg. All in all I can really recommend a holiday to Sweden – I was especially smitten with the Österlenleden! Since this area is not yet very popular with hikers, you really get to enjoy the peacefulness during the daily tours. If you fancy a completely different hiking holiday experience then the Österlenleden is definitely perfect for you!

See you soon and ‘Hey då’,



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