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Walking is wonderful

Why you should take up hiking!
Hiker with mountain panorama on the trans Tyrol

Hiking is enjoyable, so they say. But perhaps the trekking bug has not yet bitten you? Well, wait and see!

Travelling by foot through nature has been in fashion for years. Especially with younger age groups!

But are you still unenthusiastic about this trendy sport? The Eurohike team has summarised five reasons why you should definitely take up hiking this year. Regardless of whether it’s trendy or not!

Hiker with mountain panorama on the trans Tyrol

1. Fit and healthy from head to toe

Are you longing to get in shape and boost your fitness level? Nature is the best gym! Why? Because walking is healthy, makes you fit and keeps you young. When walking, your circulation is stimulated and the entire musculoskeletal system gets going. On average, about 600 kilocalories are burned per hour. Therefore, it’s the perfect exercise to stay fit and healthy!

2. Boost your mental health

It’s not only the body that benefits when hiking in nature. The mind and soul also enjoy the break and can relax. Just take a deep breath and immerse yourself in nature, give the mind an optimal break from the stresses of everyday life. Just a few minutes in the fresh air can have positive effects on the psyche.

3. You travel differently on foot

Ein Wanderurlaub ist nicht nur die perfekte Art, um aktiv und fit zu bleiben. Auch den lästigen Urlaubskilos sagt man dabei ganz nebenbei den Kampf an. Der springende Punkt ist: Das Wandern gibt Ihnen die Möglichkeit, neue Länder und Landschaften bewusst zu entdecken. Zu Fuß erlebt man Entschleunigung, kann die Umgebung um einiges bewusster wahrnehmen und kommt vielleicht zu Fleckchen, die man mit einem Reisebus nie zu sehen bekommen hätte.

4. The possibilities are endless

In nature, freedom is limitless! People often tell themselves that hiking is too exhausting and they are not fit enough. These are easy ways to talk yourself out of hiking. Start with simple circular routes and enjoy nature. And once you’ve discovered the wanderlust, step up and explore other hiking terrains. Because one think is certain: the choice is unlimited!

Hiker in Bavaria

5. Spend time with your loved ones

Going on foot not only means taking a break for yourself, but also spending time with your loved ones. Walking in company not only makes the path shorter and easier, it also provides the perfect opportunity to socialise.

Whether on flat or hilly plains – hiking is good for the body and soul and costs nothing. So take some time out to escape the hustle and bustle of every day life and spend quality time with friends and family.

Would you like to discover your passion for hiking during a trip? Your hiking experience is irrelevant. Whether a climber or a beginner: Eurohike offers exciting travel for all target groups across Europe. What are you waiting for? Check out our inspiring offers!

Hiker along blooming trails towards lake Kalterer See
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