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Eurofun Winter Sports Day 2019

Behind the scenes of our winter sports day
Eurofun team on the ski slope

In mid-March it was time again – the wait was over! After our company outing at the end of October, the Eurofun team were enthusiastic about heading off on our traditional winter sports day. For this year, we planned a ‘winter sports day’, rather than a day of skiing, to motivate as many team members as possible to join in – with success! The group included 15 athletic employees this year, so two, almost fully occupied Eurofun busses hit the road to Styria and the beautiful ski area Planai Schlaming.

Eurofun team on the ski slope

Winter sports fun in Schladming

Rain and clouds accompanied us on the drive from Obertrum to Schladming, but it didn’t take away from the atmosphere. As usual, good mood and anticipation for the upcoming day prevailed in the busses. The group split up after arriving in Schladming, where fortunately the sun picked up a bit.

Bikes and hiking poles were swapped for skis, snowboards and toboggans. Before we started, all we had to do was decide on the next meeting point: we quickly agreed on lunch together at the Seiter Hut.

Après-ski to finish

After a few hours of winter fun on Schladming’s slopes we met at the agreed hut to strengthen ourselves for the afternoon. From Kasnocken to Kaiserschmarrn, from goulasch soup to Germknödel, every meal hit the spot. With full stomachs and well-rested legs we took to our toboggans, skis and snowboards then headed back to the valley for après-ski. That marked the end to a successful winter sports day for 2019.

Winter sports day 2019 - Eurofun group photo

Thank you for the lovely day, we are looking forward to the trip next year!

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